Workshop on methods of speech development
Подзаголовок: | Textbook |
Издательство: | KEMEL KITAP |
Авторы: | Meterbayeva G.M., Iskakova A.T., Nurbekova S.M. |
Год издания: | 2023 |
ISBN: | 978-601-7643-25-6 |
Тип издания: | учебник |
Гриф: |
Библиографическая запись
Meterbayeva, G. M. Workshop on methods of speech development : textbook / G. M. Meterbayeva, A. T. Iskakova, S. M. Nurbekova. — Almaty : KEMEL KITAP, 2023. — 199 c. — ISBN 978-601-7643-25-6. — Текст : электронный // Электронный ресурс цифровой образовательной среды СПО PROFобразование : [сайт]. — URL: (дата обращения: 09.10.2024). — Режим доступа: для авторизир. пользователей
Об издании
The textbook includes a workshop on methods of speech development, its scientific and theoretical foundations and methods, methods for developing the vocabulary of preschoolers, the formation of the grammatical structure of words, methods for educating the sound culture of words, methods for teaching preschoolers coherent speech, methods for working with fiction, preparing children for literacy, diagnostics of speech development of preschool children, guidelines for sections on speech development in preschool organizations. The textbook «Workshop on methods of speech development» is intended for students and undergraduates studying in the educational program 6B01201-Preschool education and upbringing. And also for teachers and students of pedagogical colleges who are interested in the development of speech in preschool children.